Yah, i agreed i do enjoyed myself here better than ex-firm.
The problem that lies is on the work now.
Everyone seems to be treating me like SUPERWOMAN.
Like as if, i will not die nor sick nor unhappy.
Everything i just got to LL suck thumb and do it.
I hate everything here.
Is there anyway that would make my life better?
I don't think so~
When one person begin to mastered the stuff and be hardworking,
people will came and rummage you.
I don't understand~
Is there a wrong to be young and energetic?
I guess, am just over hardworking.
And yet, no appreciation is been received.
I hate it.
Things is so different before i came in.
What they used to say , it does not apply on it now.
I hate it!
I hate all of the people!
In order to Survive i will stay Strong!
Strong and Determination is my only way out now.
I can think of nothing else.
Nothing else.
Am just tired.